Customer Support & ID Cards

Hours of Operation

Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Tue, Thu 10:00 am - 4:30 pm

Providing quality customer service.

Customer Support handles several programs including ID/Agent cards, Service Group Life Insurance, DEERS enrollments, and base in-processing. Emergency personnel, AiTs that have lost their ID card, and personnel that require a CAC pin reset do not require an appointment.

Identification & CAC Cards

New or changes to your ID Card?

Use the RAPIDS Appointment Scheduler to book your appointment online now!

Customer Support

Common Access Cards or Uniformed Services ID Card

If you have questions about your CAC or ID, you can visit this link. This site will guide you through the process of obtaining, using and maintaining both types of cards.

You are required to have the correct documentation to obtain a CAC or ID. To view a list of acceptable identification documents, click here. If you would like to view a helpful pre-arrival checklist for obtaining a CAC or ID, click here.


You can make certain updates yourself from your home computer! Click here to learn more about how to do things like updating personal contact information, obtaining proof of health coverage, transfer education benefits, and so much more!

Other Services

Contact us by email for the following

  • DEERS Update
  • Temp ID Card
  • SGLI/Family SGLI
  • In-Processing
  • Out-Processing
  • Agent Letter
  • Dependency Determination
  • Citizenship
  • Leave Information

Uniform Services ID (USID) cards that expired between January 1, 2020, and July 31, 2021, only, are extended through:

  • August 31, 2021, for all Foreign Affiliates and their dependents;
  • October 31, 2021, for dependents of Active Duty Uniformed Service members, and for Reserve and National Guard Uniformed Service members and their dependents; and
  • January 31, 2022, for Retirees and their dependents, and all other populations.

USID cards that expired before January 1, 2020, or after July 31, 2021, have not been extended and will not be accepted

How are we doing?

Share your feedback about this facility through the Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) Website.